

Maldeco Fisheries


Mission Statement

To enhance stakeholder value ethically and sustainably through promotion of affordable and healthy nutrition.


The number one producer and choice of high quality food products that are competitively priced and produced in an environmentally responsible manner in Malawi.

Core Values

Health and safety
Customer Care
Team work

Contact Details

Maldeco Fisheries
P.O. Box 45

Tel: +265 (0) 1 580 300 /753

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The Foods Company Limited (TFCL), trading as MALDECO is a wholly owned subsidiary of Press Corporation PLC and operates three divisions; MALDECO Aquaculture which grows Chambo on the lake, MALDECO Fisheries engaged in capture fishing (open lake) and MALDECO Feeds which produces commercial livestock feed.


Our Community


TFCL strives to give back to the community within which it operates. TFCL achieves this by providing portable water to the surrounding villages. TFCL has for generations also been a key employer to people from its immediate surrounding. In addition, many people have for years depended on trading in fish supplied by TFCL. This is both people within the community where TFCL operates and in other parts of the country.



Social Responsibility


TFCL sells fingerlings to small scale fish farmers, and other small organizations as part of its corporate social responsibility and has capacity to support in providing fingerlings for Chambo production to Malawians and small scale farmers interested to engage in Chambo production.



Our Environment


We work closely with the Department of Fisheries and environmental Affairs, and we contribute to policy measures which aim to protect and conserve the fish population of Lake Malawi from overfishing.




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